Hippocrates believed in treating a fever with hydrotherapy techniques. This is simply using water in different ways as self care therapy.
Fever is a natural part of human survival. Most times, it should be looked at as the good guy instead of the enemy. When fever is present, so is something foreign to your body. We should view fever as that thing that's going to make our immune system healthy.
Fever symptoms are simply the body's way of having things run their course. Below are listed a few remarkable diseases that fever has been known to destroy.
These happen when the enemy is recognized by the brain. Certain chemicals are released to raise the body's thermostat. That means the body's normal temperature is now too low, so the brain generates more heat. This results in body chills.
These body chills drive the blood deeper to the core of the body, resulting in pale skin and goosebumps.
This also shuts down the production of perspiration and induces sleep. The body needs to sleep, so it can reserve energy it needs to fight the enemy.
A high body temperature itself usually isn't a cause of febrile convulsions. They are the result of an imbalance in electrolytes due to dehydration. Dehydration happens during vomiting and diarrhea. Drinking liquids, no matter how unappealing they are, is vital during a fever.
NOTE: When treating a fever, always drink a sports drink with natural sweeteners and balanced electrolytes. Carbonated drinks and juices are extremely concentrated. This concentration will require water to be drawn from the system to digest it. The result? Additional dehydration.
Dangers in fever
The biggest danger from a fever is the electrolyte imbalance. Even if you sip on liquid and vomit it back up, some of the liquid is able to go into your system.
Those who cannot or will not attempt to drink liquids during a high fever need to be under medical supervision.
Treating a fever with aspirin is dangerous because it can upset the stomach, and possibly cause Reye's syndrome in children.
Even Children's Tylenol can have side effects like breaking out in a rash, dizziness and having trouble breathing.
No thanks. Using water for a fever is not only safe, but it doesn't cost anything!
With a high body temperature, you don't want to interfere with the body's own ability to naturally produce it's heat. Using a lukewarm affusion will increase the elimination of heat from the body.
An affusion is simply using running water over the skin.
Note: Using a sponge will add friction. This will increase circulation and heat elimination.
NOTE: Never let the person become chilled. This encourages the body to produce more of the heat that you're trying to eliminate.
This is generally used to treat a fever of 105° or higher. Friction keeps the pores open so blood can be cooled quicker than using tepid baths. This type of bath decreaes the production of body heat, but increases heat elimination.